How to get started with embroidery

And Free Stitch Guide!


How to get started with embroidery. Maybe you have never tried embroidery before and want to learn a new skill, or maybe you’ve done a couple kits and want to get more into it, here is an all inclusive guide for those getting started with embroidery.

Basic Stitches to learn

  • Running Stitch-Best for lines

  • Backstitch- Best for continuous lines, cursive writing, outlines

  • Split Stitch-Best for continuous lines, embellishments

  • Stem Stitch-Best for lines, filling in small areas

  • Satin Stitch-Best for filling in areas, shading

  • French Knot-can be used for flowers, or dotted decoration


  • Embroidery Thread

  • Needles- Embroidery needles are best, since they are sharp and have a long eye.

  • Embroidery Hoop

  • Fabric- linen or cotton is easiest to work with. You’re looking for a woven fabric with a high thread-count to make the needle pokes easiest. Keep in mind that linen is sheer and the threads in the back may show through especially if you choose a light color.

  • Sharp scissors

    Optional for tracing:

    • Water/Air soluble or Heat Erasing markers/pens frixion erasable pens made by pilot are my favorite Shop Here

    • Freezer Paper, Iron on Transfer Paper or Fusible Web Paper

Starting the Hoop

Choose a hoop that is slightly smaller than your fabric and still larger than your design. Unscrew the top screw just enough to release the inner hoop. Place your fabric over the smaller hoop and press the outer hoop over the fabric. Tighten the screw and press the outer hoop down all the way. Pull on the fabric evenly on all sides and tighten the screw completely.

Transferring the Design

Pattern transfer comes down to personal preference and what tools you have available. Here are a couple of my favorite techniques. Ensure you are printing the correct size to fit your hoop.

Option 1: Tracing

I use heat erasable pens-the frixion erasable pens made by pilot are my favorite- Here is a link to buy them: Shop Frixion Pens

To trace over the pattern you can use a lightbox, but a bright window also works! I find it easiest to tape the pattern face down on the right side of the hoop, and then trace the pattern on the wrong side of the hoop. The closer the pattern is to the fabric and the tighter the fabric, the easier it is to trace. If you can invert your design that is the easiest.

Option 2: Printing directly on to the fabric

My favorite trick is directly printing onto fabric. For this you will need an iron and fusible paper backed webbing or freezer paper or iron on paper. Basically you need to be able to iron the fabric to the paper somehow. Any inkjet printer can work for this.

Make sure you cut the fabric exactly to the size of the paper - 8.5 in x 11 in. Trim off any threads on the sides that could get caught inside the printer.

Iron your fabric to your paper. Make sure it is completely flat so it is easier for the printer to grab the sheet.

Feed the paper into the printer so the design will print onto the fabric. Print out your design.

If you are satisfied with how it turned out then peel the fabric off the paper and install into your embroidery hoop.

See below for an instructional video!

How to transfer designs on to fabric

Once you have your design transferred and your fabric in the hoop you are ready to start stitching!

Check out my free stitch guide here

Share your progress with me by following me on either

Instagram @diywithkimalcorn using the hashtag #diywithkimstitchguide or

TikTok @diywithkim using the hashtag #diywithkimstitchguide or

Pinterest @diywithkimalcorn using the hashtag #diywithkimstitchguide. 

That way I can cheer you on!

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